It pays to have a healthy lawn. Not only does it create a safe place for family fun and fitness, but it can also act as an oasis for relaxation whenever you’re feeling burnt-out or stressed. It is something to look forward to visiting every time you come home from school or work. Your lawn may also provide a suitable venue for small outdoor gatherings. It’s no wonder a lot of people are more than willing to invest in this rather mesmerizing feature of their property.
Unfortunately, lawn care doesn’t come cheap. It takes an immense amount of resources, including water, fuel, and fertilizer, to keep the grass looking good all year round. A steady supply is crucial in the entire lawn care process. Fortunately, you can avoid more than half the cost of lawn care by going artificial. For decades, synthetic grass has slowly evolved to become the perfect alternative to natural grass, and many property owners are gravitating toward this option due to its amazing benefits. The following are some of the features of artificial grass you won’t find in the real thing.
Unlike natural grass, artificial grass does not wither or die. No matter how long you leave it dry, it will retain its shade and firmness. You can kiss all your fertilizers goodbye because artificial grass doesn’t need any to maintain its lush and green color. It doesn’t even need pesticides to ward off disease-carrying insects that live under them. This means you will also be able to avoid further contaminating your soil with potent chemicals from these products.
Are you the type that loves hosting outdoor parties? Then your artificial lawn is your most valuable asset. It can handle a lot of foot traffic. With real grass, you’d probably be reluctant to hold your parties on your lawn, or you might decide not to hold any party at all. With artificial grass, however, there’s no need to hold back. It can practically carry more weight than natural grass can without breaking. You can simply brush up the fiber the next day to bring back its original firmness.
Another feature that sets artificial grass apart from natural grass is its ability to be installed on almost any kind of surface. Whether it’s your children’s playground or the outskirts of your swimming pool, a nice patch of artificial grass can do wonders. And it doesn’t matter if the area where you plan to install it is open or covered; the artificial grass can fit perfectly and will stay healthy-looking even without sunlight.
One of the biggest concerns when growing and maintaining natural grass is the condition of the site. Natural grass usually doesn’t survive or grow properly on steep slopes and rocky areas. Special care and upkeep methods can be applied but it may not be practical. Artificial grass, on the other hand, could fit on almost all kinds of surface. No matter the type of soil you have, be it sand, pebbles, or clay, it won’t have any effect on this grass.
Making natural grass appear monotonous across the yard is practically impossible. Even the most skilled of horticulturists would find it hard to keep the grass growing at same rate. Soon, the grass in areas least stepped on will have taller blades than those in high traffic areas. You pet’s favorite spots will normally look less green than the rest of the yard. Sometimes, as you walk on the same path over and over, the grass along it will eventually die and expose the soil underneath.
All of these can be avoided once you use artificial turf. Because it will keep its original height for as long as you don’t replace it, you won’t have to mow your lawn anymore. This could save you a great deal of time and money, as lawn mowing can be time-consuming and the fuel for the machine keeps on getting costlier. Additionally, it will not change its color when peed or pooped on by your pooches or waste away when stepped on repeatedly, so you’ll be less anxious about where your pets are going when they sneaks out of your home.
You may think that having artificial grass installed might cost you a fortune. In truth, the cost of installation is too small compared to how much you are spending in growing and maintaining real grass. Just imagine how much money you can save now that you no longer need to water, mow, weed, and fertilize. Especially in Phoenix where fresh water can be scarce in some months, going for artificial grass is considered by many homeowners as a necessity.
You may not feel the change instantly but in the long run, you’ll realize that you’ve finally made a huge decision that actually has a significant positive impact not just on your finances but also on your lifestyle.
The last thing you want is your children to suffer from serious allergic reaction to spores produced by the grass on your lawn or your pets to get poisoned after accidentally consuming a toxic weed. These are among the top risks that you can avoid by replacing your natural grass with artificial turf. You can now be more confident letting your children and pets play around the house knowing that nothing can harm them.
You may feel worried about the artificial turf harboring dirt in the long run, which might be a breeding ground for bacteria. The good news is that you can easily get rid of foreign elements by simply hosing the grass down. Don’t worry about possible flooding on your yard because artificial grass is designed with a permeable base, so like real grass, you can expect excess water to simply drain into the ground.
Shifting to using synthetic grass is a major decision. Although it is guaranteed to yield positive financial impact, it will still help you make the right choices to consult with top providers, such as Sunburst Landscaping. They can help you ensure that the type of artificial grass you want to install really suits your needs and that the installation will be carried out in the most efficient fashion.
Contact us today to get started.
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