Many homeowners across the country are turning to an artificial turf install to enhance their curb appeal while cutting down on yard work. An artificial turf install adds instant curb appeal from the moment they are installed and are guaranteed to continuously look great for years to come.
The Importance of Curb Appeal
Curb appeal is important to homeowners, whether they simply want a great place to raise their children or think they may sell in a few years. The number one thing real estate agents claim makes a difference in the marketability of a property is how it looks from the street. And an artificial turf install will immediately improve the look.
Beyond the marketability factor, curb appeal is important in several ways:
· Curb appeal showcases your house to others, making it an inviting place for neighbors and friends to visit.
· It gives you pride in your home.
· It helps you unwind after a day of work.
· Provides a calmer environment for your children.
· It improves the quality of your neighborhood.
Modern Turf is Different
Synthetic grass isn’t just for sports fields anymore. Technology has dramatically improved in the past four decades since the product was first used and the new artificial turf install is a great way to improve a home’s first impression.
Artificial turf has a lot of great qualities:
- It looks and feels natural.
- The infill, backing and base is completely drainable, so pets can use it just as they would natural grass.
- Kids can play on it without getting injured or dirty.
- It is non-toxic so it is safe for both children and pets.
Ways Synthetic Grass Adds Curb Appeal
An awesome thing about getting an artificial turf install is it can be easily installed with other features to give your yard the perfect manicured look. Artificial turf can be placed perfectly with things like sidewalks, walkways, flower gardens, stone paths, fountains or anything else in your yard.
One of the simplest ways an artificial turf install can help curb appeal is by effectively covering barren areas, usually found around large trees or shrubs. Since large plants tend to use most the area’s water, grass tends to die at the base. Artificial turf can provide green lushness without harming the tree or shrub’s roots.
Many homeowners find mixing synthetic grass with flowers and shrubs in a geometric design can create a beautiful design. A specific pattern will encourage the eye to travel along the path of design and color. Since artificial grass requires no water, you can focus on watering other plants rather than the lawn.
Learn more about creating a unique design with artificial turf.
Getting Creative
Some homeowners and landscape designers have created unique front lawn patterns using a combination of artificial grass and objects like stone or cement. This can also be done using different types of synthetic grass to create a pattern, or using rocks or cement as borders both around and between grass sections.
Other ways to create patterns with artificial turf include:
· Use it to create a curvy serpentine pattern along a flowerbed path.
· Use it with square stone pieces to create an inverted checkerboard with the stone taking up the block spaces and the grass used as the border between the spaces.
· Use it to fill in odd spaces between walkways or patios.
· Combine it with boulders or flat rocks to create a natural looking patio space.
Don’t Forget the Backyard
While most concentrate on the front yard for curb appeal, you can also use an artificial turf install to create an oasis in the backyard. It is easily installed around patios or as a putting green. Synthetic grass also looks terrific around pools and planter areas because it can be seamlessly placed.
The best part of an artificial turf is you will never need to mow or weed wack around all of your yard items. It also stays green year-round– even in the hottest summers and harshest winters. That makes it perfect for places where heat and lack of water doesn’t allow grass to grow. It is eco-friendly as well because it helps you save water and some synthetic grasses are made from recycled products.
So, whether you are looking for a formal outside look or a natural theme, you can find an artificial turf install that adds tremendous curb appeal to your home, making life more comfortable for you and your family.
If you’re interested in learning more about us, or want to request a quote, contact us today!