Living in Arizona can bring dry air and even warmer temps, therefore making water our most precious resource. Water, is not only vital to our lives, but also our ecosystem, which means that we must do our part to conserve it. There are many ways to conserve water on a daily basis, yet those practices are often lost or forgotten by citizens who have the ability to implement them. Residential Water use consists of both indoor and outdoor water usage and efficient water use can have a long-lasting and positive impact on the environment, as well as personal finances.
Below are 10 easy tips for indoor and outdoor water conservation that will help to reduce your very own water bill.
Indoor Water Conservation
Indoor water use can become excessive in relation daily routines and chores. Taking a shower, washing clothes, flushing the toilet and watering indoor plants are just a few examples of the activities that require water usage on a day to day basis. Here are a few tips to assist you in your effort to save water indoors.
Check for leaks
Faucet and pipe leaks in your household are common, but easy to fix. Leaks can waste up to 16 gallons of water per household every day.
Reduce Shower Time
Reducing shower time can contribute to water conservation on a daily basis. The recommended amount of shower time is 5 minutes and that is estimated to reduce your water usage by half.
Turn off the faucet when Brushing Your Teeth
A faucet actually uses 1-2 gallons of water per minute. So, as simple as it sounds, just turning off your faucet while brushing your teeth can help you save water and money!
Wash only full loads
When it comes to laundry and cleaning up after dinner, you can actually kick back and run a full load, all the while saving water! Your dishwasher and your clothes washer use about the same amount of energy and water regardless of the amount of dishes and clothes inside.
Upgrade Your Toilet
More than 45% of water use in the average American home comes from the bathroom, with nearly 27% being used by toilets. HETs (High Efficiency Toilets) are the new wave in water conservation, using no more than 1.28 Gallons Per Flush and saving you money in the long run.
Outdoor Water Conservation
40% of the average homeowner’s water use comes from the outdoors. Activities ranging from lawn watering to an afternoon spent washing your car can add up. Here’s a few ways to conserve water in your very own back yard…
Collect Rain Water
Use a rain barrel to collect rain to help water your plants. Rain water helps to reduce the amount of municipal water needs during the arid, summer months.
Moderate Watering
Green grass in the yard is a goal that every homeowner dreams of, however, that greenery comes at a cost. In an effort to save water, instead of watering your lawn every day, consider watering every 2-3 days. Also, check to see if you grass actually needs water each day. You can access this by stepping on it for a few seconds. If your grass springs right up, it doesn’t need water that day.
Artificial Turf
Nearly 60% of water usage is attributed to lawn and garden maintenance. Luscious lawns require even more maintenance and more water. Therefore putting down artificial turf is a great way to ensure low lawn maintenance costs, as well as, save 56,000 gallons of water per year. Follow the link to discover some of the benefits of having artificial turf in Arizona.
According to the Arizona Department of Water Resources, pools and spas contribute to 16% of outdoor water use. Conservation efforts that will limit your water usage and reduce your bill include not overfilling your pool and only draining your spas once every three to six months.
Your Efforts Make A Difference
Water conservation in the short term is essential to lowering your water bill. In the long run, conservation is essential to ensuring a prosperous community and environment. With so many people and areas throughout the world dealing with droughts and lack of water, by implementing conversation practices, you are ensuring a better and more sustainable future for Arizona.