5 Ways Commercial Artificial Grass in Phoenix, AZ Reduce Venue Maintenance Expenses

Posted by Sunburst Landscaping on June 26, 2023
Artificial Grass
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Are you looking for an easy, cost-effective way to reduce the maintenance costs of your outdoor commercial venue? Commercial artificial grass in Phoenix, AZ can help! Here are five compelling ways this innovative landscaping solution can help you save money on upkeep:

1. Lowers Cost of Installation

By switching to artificial grass, you can cut down on the costs associated with growing and maintaining a traditional lawn. 

Artificial grass typically requires fewer trips from a landscaping team and doesn’t need soil preparation or seeding like natural grass. This means that you won’t be paying for additional labor hours.

Installation of artificial turf is much quicker than laying sod or growing natural grass from seed. In short, you don’t have to wait months for your landscape to be ready for use again! 

2. Reduces Water Usage

Commercial artificial grass in Phoenix, AZ requires significantly less water than natural grass, reducing your monthly bill and helping the environment. 

With less water used, there’s less runoff into local waterways, contributing to healthier ecosystems and aligning your business with sustainable practices. It’s an aspect that clients and patrons increasingly value.

3. Eliminates the Need for Lawn Chemicals

By transitioning to an artificial turf landscape, you can create a healthier, cleaner environment that does away with the need for pesticides and fertilizers. These chemicals often associated with traditional lawns can pose serious health risks with prolonged exposure. 

Artificial turf requires none of these treatments, ensuring a safer, toxin-free space for both your clients and the local fauna.

4. Cuts Maintenance Time

Switching to artificial turf not only saves you money but also precious time. 

A traditional grass landscape demands consistent mowing, trimming, and other maintenance tasks to preserve its look. Artificial turf, however, requires minimal labor to retain its pristine appearance. This type of turf is highly durable, minimizing the frequency of costly repair or renovation projects.

Moreover, the infill material used in artificial turf serves a dual purpose. It provides cushioning and stability, while also preventing weed growth, further reducing maintenance needs. This ensures your venue’s commercial landscape in Phoenix, AZ remains visually appealing throughout the year, irrespective of the season.

5. Improves Lawn Durability

Artificial grass is designed to be resistant to wear and tear; its highly resilient construction provides increased longevity that can extend over time with proper maintenance.

Synthetic turf also stands up well against extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rains or scorching sun. The material used in its construction is resistant to damage from ultraviolet rays or extreme temperatures—both hot and cold—so it doesn’t suffer from seasonal wear and tear like real grass.

It’s a great choice for commercial landscape renovation in Phoenix, AZ.

Save Money on Venue Maintenance!

If you’re keen to harness the power of artificial grass to transform your venue, Sunburst Landscaping is ready to help! 

Our expert team can help you navigate the transition to artificial grass, optimizing your venue’s aesthetics while simultaneously reducing your upkeep expenses. Let us help you make the most of your outdoor commercial space with this smart, sustainable, and cost-saving landscaping solution.

Contact us online or call us at 623-412-2200 today for a free consultation!